STOP COVID-19 CA is a statewide community-partnered collaborative funded by the NIH/NHLBI to address gaps in COVID-19 (mis)information, vaccine trial participation, and vaccination accessibility. The statewide collaborative partners with local community organizations to build community capacity, conduct research, create accessible training materials for trusted community leaders, and develop policy recommendations for improving information, reducing misinformation, increasing diversity and accessibility of vaccine clinical trials, and vaccination. Since September 2020, the collaborative has held 550 COVID-19 related webinars, town halls and community meetings, directly reaching over 50,000 participants and hundreds of key community, academic, county and state stakeholders and decision makers.

STOP COVID-19 has developed tailored lay language education and outreach materials for populations in California, conducted research on barriers and facilitators for vaccine hesitancy, and disseminated information to local, regional and statewide policy makers on equitable vaccine distribution and access.

The collaborative, led by UCLA CTSI, includes all California CTSAs—UCLA, UCD, UCI, UCSD, UCSF, Scripps Health, Stanford, and USC. In addition, three RCMI-eligible institutions, UCR, UCM and SDSU, plus over 75 community partners throughout the state participate in the collaborative.

For more information, visit the STOP COVID-19 CA website.

Last updated
November 14, 2023